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WORLDCON is just a week away!

Dave Bara

At this time next week I will be in Spokane, WA for Worldcon, the World Science Fiction Convention. I hear attendance is likely to hit 10,000, which is amazing for what is essentially a literary convention. The Hugo Awards controversy undoubtedly boosted memberships, what with the Sad Puppies (and the discredited Rabid Puppies) on one side and the SJW's, or "Social Justice Workers" on the other. It shapes up to be an interesting weekend, that's for sure.

For my part it will be a bit more laid back. Friday will be connecting with friends and then attending (most likely) my publisher's (DAW Books) dinner in the evening, followed by my friend Patrick Swenson's Fairwood Press launch party. Regrettably, I will probably miss the JABberwocky Agency dinner as it runs concurrently with the DAW outing.

Saturday will be filled with a meeting with my agent, Joshua Bilmes of the aforementioned JABberwocky, a book signing at 2:00, and then connecting with friends like Tony Daniel of Baen Books, Jeff Sturgeon (Last Cities of Earth project), Kristi Charish, Bryan Thomas Schmidt, my editor Sheila Gilbert, etc. And of course, parties.

Sunday will be a laid back day as I have to depart in the afternoon to get home and pick up my doggy from the boarders. This place is like a doggy day spa so I doubt he will miss me much!

Looking forward to it all. Hope to see some of you there!


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