For the last couple of weeks I've been working on the line-by-line edit of STARBOUND. There were quite a few changes, all for the better I think, but nothing big in terms of plot.
For those of you who don't know, this edit is the last one before the book goes into production and involves a re-read of the entire book after it has been "typeset" by the publisher. I go through each line of the book looking for errors or omissions. On this one I also changed a couple of other things involving space travel, distance between objects, that sort of thing. I also changed wording on a lot of stuff so the prose would flow better.
The edit with my comments was sent off to DAW last night, so at this point it goes straight into production where it will be printed. I expect to receive ARCs (Author's Review Copies) any time now. These are usually printed with a paper cover and say "Uncorrected Author's Proofs" and "Not For Sale" or some such verbiage on the cover, and they will be the version of the book before I sent in these last changes. DAW/Random House may even do a Goodreads giveaway of these copies like they did with IMPULSE. The finished book with all of my corrections will likely be printed (in hardcover) in November and sent to the warehouse for distribution in advance of the January 5, 2016 release date.

So what's next? For me I'll be diving right back into the third book, DEFIANT, and start working on that. I'm about 17,000 words in (out of 100,000) so far and have a pretty good outline, so I'm anxious to get back to the final story in our trilogy.
On December 1st the mass market paperback version of IMPULSE comes out, with a cover price of just $7.99! That's the cheapest version yet by far! Amazon has it on pre-order for even less, just $6.29!
There’s also a special on the Kindle editions of both books on Amazon for $24.98, but I assume you won’t get STARBOUND delivered until its release date.
Lastly (exhale), the German version of IMPULSE comes out on November 9th, so if you read German for enjoyment (And who doesn’t?) this is the version for you!