Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. There have been a lot of changes, with more coming in 2021.
I've updated my Contact page to include contact info for my new agent, Paul Stevens of the Donald Maas Literary agency. Paul and I hit it off when I discussed representation for TRINITY. He's a great guy and easy to work with. I chose to end my relationship with JABberwocky Literary a couple of months ago, and that's all for the best. I wish them luck in the future.
The other big news is that I have an offer on TRNITY, but not a contract (yet). So stay tuned to this page for updates and announcements on that. I'm hoping you'll all get the chance to read TRINITY sometime in 2021!
I've also updated the EVENTS calendar to include cons I'd like to attend in 2021, and I hope to see you all there! Let's hope Covid is a thing of the past by then.
Lastly, to everyone I've promised signed books over the last year, I still have your emails and addresses, and I'm a bad writer for not send those out. I hope to get to it soon.
Peace, db
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