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  • By Dave

A Few Updates

Thought I would just give everyone a few updates on goings on in my world.

First up is the Lightship Chronicles story "Last Day of Training" coming in the "Infinite Stars" anthology from Titan Books on October 17, 2017 (see previous post). LDOT is a sentimental story about Peter and his first girlfriend, Natalie, that sees them before the events of the Lightship Chronicles books, and presents a 'what might have been' scenario.

Second is that I will be attending ORYCON 39 in Portland, OR November 17-19, 2017. I don't know my panel assignments yet, but I will post them ASAP. In addition to the Con, I will also be participating in the SF Authorfest at Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing, Sunday November 19th from 4:00-5:30. This is my first time at that event and it should be a lot of fun. I'll have more details soon.

Third is that the mass market paperback of DEFIANT (from DAW Books) hits the shelves on December 5th. So far in the series, this edition has sold the best of any other formats, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm probably going to have an event around that time to celebrate the release of DEFIANT and also promote Infinite Stars. Details to come.

Fourth is that I'll have another original story coming out in March, 2018, from Baen Books. The story is called ICEBREAKER and it will appear in the anthology "Star Destroyers". This story is unique and isn't in the Lightship Chronicles universe, so that should be fun. It's about submarine battles in the oceans of Saturn's moon Europa.

Fifth is that I'm working on a new novel called TRINITY. TRINITY is a space opera set in a universe where three Earth-like planets in a single star system may hold the key to humanity's future survival. I'm about a third of the way in, and so far I'm excited about working with new characters and a new universe.

And last, because I know you're gonna ask, is that yes, there will be more Lightship Chronicles stories, but probably not until next year. The 4th book in the series is called ENDEAVOR, and I've got it completely outlined. I just haven't started writing it yet because of TRINITY, which is on my front burner. In the process of writing the outline though, I came up with another LC idea which I felt deserved to be written. Right now I'm calling this story "PRELUDE TO ENDEAVOR", and it may come out as a stand-alone novella of about 40,000 words, or it may just be a sneak preview of ENDEAVOR itself. We'll see.

Hope to give you more soon.


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